Prepare the Nets!

Prepare the Nets! image


raised towards $25,000 goal

Days Left


Come Join Us and Be Fishers of Men!

This year at Alpha South Carolina, we are hearing in prayer – “prepare the nets”. It makes sense – God has been doing amazing work here and we are seeing revival in hearts, in churches, in prisons and on campuses. The nets need to be ready because we are putting out into deep water!

Jesus said, Come, follow me and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19)

To be fishers of men for us means to follow the command that Jesus made to his disciples to capture and save souls, bringing people into a relationship with God. The act of fishing requires effort, intention and divine guidance. Can we always see under the surface and know if the message is working? No – do we sometimes share the Gospel and see no response? Like fishing, speaking out the Gospel is a risk.

But fish will never be caught unless a net is cast and people will never get saved unless we speak out!

This is a mission for all of us – to spread the word of God and help others to experience the transformative power of the Gospel. We take the story of Christ and the message of what He has done for us and we speak it out in the world around us.

Now, more than ever, Alpha South Carolina is looking for partners who will join us as catalysts for growth and participate in the transforming of many lives, churches, communities, in prisons and on campuses!

And this is our mission at Alpha South Carolina! Through our work with churches, prisons and campuses, we want to bring the Gospel to everyone in South Carolina so that lives will be changed and transformed!

Will you help us prepare the nets?