Now, more than ever, people need Jesus!
Help us bring the light and love of Jesus to South Carolina!

Help us bring the light and love of Jesus to South Carolina!
You can make a difference in people's lives!
"But how can people call for help if they don't know who to trust? And how can they know who to trust if they haven't heard of the One who can be trusted? And how can they hear if nobody tells them? And how is anyone going to tell them, unless someone is sent to do it?"
Romans 10:14, The Message
Our mission at Alpha South Carolina is to give everyone the opportunity to hear the Gospel message. And we do that by working with churches, prisons, campuses, organization, small groups - anyone who wants to spread the good news of Jesus Christ, who offers love, healing and grace to all.
We live in challenging times and there are so many who are broken and in need of hearing and experiencing God's love.
Especially those who are outside the faith are not ready to listen to us until they first feel they are loved and valued for who they are. Alpha provides a safe space for people to encounter the love of Jesus in a uniquely gentle and profound way.
Now, more than ever, we are called upon to make a difference. We appreciate so much those of you who have joined us in this mission, by volunteering, praying and giving. You are truly a blessing to us.
If you feel called to partner with us for a donation and you'd rather use your charitable giving account or RMD instead of donating here online, that is much appreciated. You can also text a donation. Text "donate" to 855-750-1296. And certainly, we welcome checks! We have to raise 100% of the funds to do this work in South Carolina. We receive no funding from Alpha USA or Alpha International. And don't forget, donations are tax deductible
Happy New Year! We hope you will be greatly blessed in 2025.